
NOTICE: Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.

Monterra Community Development District

11555 Heron Bay Boulevard, Suite 201
Coral Springs, Florida 33076
Ph. 954-603-0033

Board of Supervisors

Valerie Borowski, Assistant Secretary

11555 Heron Bay Boulevard, Suite 201
Coral Springs, Florida 33076

Elected: 11/2024
Term Expires: 11/2028
General Election Seat #3

Juan Carlos Sanchez, Vice Chairman

11555 Heron Bay Boulevard, Suite 201
Coral Springs, Florida 33076

Elected: 11/2024
Term Expires: 11/2028
General Election Seat #1

Susan Kooiman, Assistant Secretary

11555 Heron Bay Boulevard, Suite 201
Coral Springs, Florida 33076

Elected: 11/2022
Term Expires: 11/2026
General Election Seat #2

Jason Weinrub, Chairman

11555 Heron Bay Boulevard, Suite 201
Coral Springs, Florida 33076

Elected: 11/2022
Expires: 11/2026
General Election Seat #4

Avi Ciechanowiecki, Assistant Secretary

11555 Heron Bay Boulevard, Suite 201
Coral Springs, Florida 33076

Elected: 11/2022
Term Expires: 11/2026
General Election Seat #5

Staff of Inframark Infrastructure Management Services provide consulting and management assistance to the CDD and serve as Board officers.

Sandra Demarco, District Manager
Inframark, Infrastructure Management Services

Primary Contact

11555 Heron Bay Boulevard, Suite 201
Coral Springs, Florida 33076
Ph. 954-282-0081

Leah Popelka, Treasurer

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